This chapter will bring in the presentation of the findings and analysis derived from the online survey. A total of responses were received from the targeted potential respondents, which Dissertation Findings & Discussion Chapter: Sample In order to ensure that each variable was analysed to its greatest extent, the researcher only analysed one variable at a time (univariate) and where a relationship between variables was examined the researcher ensured that there was at least one dependent variable in the analysis The purpose of the results section of the thesis is to report the findings of your research. You usually present the data you obtained in appropriate figures (diagrams, graphs, tables and photographs) and you then comment on this data. Comments on figures and tables (data commentary) usually have the following elements
How to Write the Findings of a Dissertation | Research Prospect
View our latest COVID updates. This page deals with the central part of the thesis, where you present the data that forms the basis of your investigation, shaped by the way you have thought about it. In other analysis findings dissertation, you tell your readers the story that has emerged from your findings. The form of your chapters should be consistent with this story and its components. For many kinds of research, the main work of interpretation cannot be done until most of the data has been collected and analysed.
For others, the data already exists in the form of archival documents or literary texts, for exampleand the work of interpreting it begins much earlier in the research process.
Whatever kind of research you are doing, there comes a moment when your head is full of ideas that have emerged from your analysis. Ideally, you will have written them down as they came to you, analysis findings dissertation. Now you have to convert that mass of material and ideas into a written text that will make sense to a reader, and do justice to your findings, analysis findings dissertation. How will analysis findings dissertation decide which aspects of your findings are the most interesting and important?
It is useful to remind yourself what the task of writing up research is all about:, analysis findings dissertation. Analysis findings dissertation first step is to clarify for yourself what you know now, as a result of your research.
David Evans and Paul Grubaanalysis findings dissertation. So it is worth finding analysis findings dissertation what conclusions your brain has reached while you were collecting and analysing your data. Evans and Gruba suggest you try these techniques:.
Write down all the things you know now that you didn't know when you started the research. Use a single sentence for each item. At this point, don't worry about whether they analysis findings dissertation to your aims or research questions. Sort the sentences into groups. Give each group a heading. Now check the headings against your research question s. Do all the headings relate to the research question s?
Do the questions need refining? Use these groups and headings to make a plan of the points you want to make in your discussion. Making lists works well for some people, but not for others. Another technique you can use to unlock your unconscious thought processes is freewriting. Freewriting definition. Freewriting on a topic means taking a fresh piece of paper or opening a new word-processor document and writing anything that comes into your head on that topic for a limited time. It must be in whole sentences and you must not stop.
If you have nothing to write, analysis findings dissertation, write 'I have nothing to write'. This is writing to think. Now read over what you've written. Have you learnt anything? Is there anything there you want to develop further?
You could try highlighting key words, or identifying any points that need further investigation. The way you present the analysis and interpretation of your data sits within a wider thesis framework, which can itself be thought of as a story adapted from Silverman,p.
The challenge for every thesis writer is to hold the detail of the data in focus without losing sight of the big picture of the research. This is why reporting data analysis is not enough; you need to:. This page and the next, on reporting and discussing your findings, deal with the core of the thesis. In a traditional doctoral thesis, this will consist of a number of chapters where you present the data that forms the basis of your investigation, shaped by the way you have thought about it.
In a thesis including publication, it will be the central section of an article. Therefore it is important for you to investigate the conventions of your own discipline, by looking at journal articles and theses. Every thesis writer has to present and discuss the results of their inquiry. In these pages we consider these two activities separately, while recognising that in many kinds of thesis they will be integrated, analysis findings dissertation.
This section is concerned with presenting the analysis of the results of analysis findings dissertation analysis. There is a great deal of disciplinary variation in the presentation of findings.
For example, a thesis in oral history and one in marketing may both use interview data that has been collected and analysed in similar ways, but the way the results of this analysis are presented will be very different because the questions they are trying to answer are different.
The presentation of results from experimental studies will be different again. In all cases, though, the presentation should have a logical organisation that reflects:. You are not simply describing the data. You need to make connections, and make apparent your reasons for saying that data should be interpreted in one way rather than another. In this Chapter, all the experimental results from the phenomenological experiments outlined in Section 5. The effects of the major operating variables on the performance of the pilot filters are explained, and various implications for design are discussed.
The new data may be found in Appendix C. The principal goal of the vernacular adaptor of a Latin saint's life was to edify and instruct his audience, analysis findings dissertation. In this chapter I shall try to show to what extent our texts conform to vernacular conventions of a well-told story of a saint, and in what ways they had to modify their originals to do so, attempting also to identify some of the individual characteristics of the three poems.
After that, the organisation will vary according to the kind of research being reported. Below are some important principles for reporting experimental, quantitative survey and qualitative studies, analysis findings dissertation.
There are generally accepted guidelines for presenting the results of statistical analyses of data about populations or groups of people, plants or animals. It is important that the results be presented in an informative way. You can read more about reporting quantitative results in the next section, Reporting conventions. The analysis findings dissertation and discussion of qualitative data are often combined. Qualitative data is difficult to present neatly in tables and figures, analysis findings dissertation.
It is usually expressed in words, and analysis findings dissertation results in a large quantity of written material, through which you must guide your reader. Structure is therefore very important. Try to make your sections and subsections reflect the themes that have emerged from your analysis of the data, and to make sure your reader knows how these themes evolved, analysis findings dissertation.
Headings and subheadings, as well as directions to the reader, are forms of signposting you can use to make these chapters easy to navigate. You can read more about reporting qualitative results in the next section, Reporting conventions. Reporting conventions differ according to whether the data involved is quantitative or qualitative. The purpose of the results section of the thesis is to report the findings of your research.
You usually present the data you obtained in appropriate figures diagrams, graphs, tables and photographs and you then comment on this data. Comments on figures and tables data commentary usually have the following elements:. Table 5 shows the most common modes of computer infection in Australian businesses, analysis findings dissertation. As can be seen in the table, home disks are the most frequent source of infection.
Instructions: Click on the text below to identify the location element, summary and highlighting statement. Sometimes a reduced location element is used which gives only the table or figure number in brackets after the highlighting statement. If you are discussing your findings in a separate chapter or section, limit your comments here to the specific results you have presented.
The reporting of qualitative data is much less bound by convention than that of quantitative data. The data itself usually consists of words, from written documents or interview transcripts but may include imageswhich have been analysed in some way, often into themes.
In reporting the data, it is generally important to convey both the themes and some of the flavour of the actual words. The data needs to be connected back through the layers of detail to the overarching research question it relates to.
This can be done through the introductions to carefully-structured sections and subsections. Individual data extracts can be connected back into this structure through a process of 'tell-show-tell'.
Click on the highlighted text below to read the comments. In the Introduction to the thesis, this section has been analysis findings dissertation related to one analysis findings dissertation the research aims:. Compare and contrast the publicly expressed values with the professional values embedded in the personal philosophies articulated by a cohort of early childhood student teachers.
The introduction to the section forecasts the themes that will be illustrated. In analysing the interview data, two themes emerged which will be analysis findings dissertation in this section. These themes were: the complexity and challenges of working with families and the professional satisfaction and challenges of program planning for children in preschool or childcare.
For each of these graduates, Introduces the second theme by picking up the keywords professional, satisfaction, children and challenges from introduction. Angela suggested that in her second year of teaching she had changed in that she was programming in a "more child oriented" way.
Introduces data extract as an instance of improving pedagogy tell. Data extract show, analysis findings dissertation. These comments Comments on the extract, connecting the students practice with her professional values, analysis findings dissertation, one of the aspects the research aim sets out to investigate.
In the discussion of your findings you have an opportunity to develop the story you found in the data, analysis findings dissertation, making connections between the results of your analysis and existing theory and research.
While the amount of discussion required in a thesis may vary according to discipline, all disciplines expect some interpretation of the findings that makes these connections. In your discussion you must draw together your research question and analysis findings dissertation own research results, analysis findings dissertation. If the discussion is in a self-contained chapter or section you will need to briefly summarise the major findings that come from the research and relate them to what you originally proposed to find out.
If analysis findings dissertation research is testing a hypothesis, you need to answer these questions:.
How to Write a Discussion Section - Scribbr
, time: 3:52Reporting and discussing your findings - Research & Learning Online
This chapter will bring in the presentation of the findings and analysis derived from the online survey. A total of responses were received from the targeted potential respondents, which Dissertation Findings & Discussion Chapter: Sample In order to ensure that each variable was analysed to its greatest extent, the researcher only analysed one variable at a time (univariate) and where a relationship between variables was examined the researcher ensured that there was at least one dependent variable in the analysis The purpose of the results section of the thesis is to report the findings of your research. You usually present the data you obtained in appropriate figures (diagrams, graphs, tables and photographs) and you then comment on this data. Comments on figures and tables (data commentary) usually have the following elements
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