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Phd thesis on shakespeare

Phd thesis on shakespeare

phd thesis on shakespeare

Our dissertation or thesis will be completely unique, providing you with a solid foundation of "William Shakespeare" research. You may visit our FAQ page for more information. Knowledge and Versatility. Whether you need basic "William Shakespeare" research at master-level, or complicated research at doctoral-level, we can begin assisting you right now! These fiction and non-fiction creative writing prompts will help writers expand their imagination. Here is a guide that Phd Thesis On Shakespeare will help them come up with fantastic plots that Phd Thesis On Shakespeare will keep their audience entertained and satisfied/10() Phd Thesis On Shakespeare We carefully read and correct essays so that you will receive Phd Thesis On Shakespeare a paper that is ready for submission or publication. We guarantee that you will be provided with an essay that is totally free of any mistakes/10()

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Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. PhD Dissertation- Re Writing Shakespeare in the Twentieth Century Özlem Özmen Akdoğan.

Download PDF Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. PhD Dissertation- Re Writing Shakespeare in the Twentieth Century. Hande Seber for her heartfelt encouragement throughout my study. It would be very difficult to be motivated without her constructive feedback and scholarly advice.

I am also grateful to my thesis committee members for providing feedback to my work each semester. I owe a special gratitude to Prof. Deniz Bozer who has provided invaluable guidance throughout my study. I especially thank the late Assoc. Laurence Raw for his inspiring comments and contribution to my work. I also present my thanks to the members of the viva committee, Assoc. Sıla Şenlen Güvenç, Assoc. Şebnem Kaya and Assist.

Sinan Akıllı, for their inspiring questions and motivation. I am especially indebted to Prof. Burçin Erol, the Head of the English Language and Literature Department at Hacettepe University, for her continuous encouragement since my undergraduate years. She has truly been a role model for me with her discipline and character.

I would also like to thank all my professors in this department for their contribution to my knowledge in different subject areas. I am also grateful to Dr. Bridget Escolme from the Department of Drama at Queen Mary University of London for welcoming me into their department to carry out my doctoral research between I must acknowledge the time I spent at QMUL as the most prolific phase of my Ph. Furthermore, I owe a special thanks to Dr.

Stephen Purcell from the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick University for sparing his time to discuss my work. I owe a debt to my colleagues and my friends who have stood by me, phd thesis on shakespeare.

I present my sincere gratitude to Kübra Vural Özbey for her support and motivation. I also thank Emine Akkülah Doğan for sharing my excitement and enthusiasm with her MA thesis, phd thesis on shakespeare. I would also like to thank Assist. Hakan Phd thesis on shakespeare, Assist. Gülşah Göçmen, Assist. Ömer Kemal Gültekin, Assist. Merve Sarıkaya Şen, Assist. Pınar Taşdelen, Assist. İmren Yelmiş, Emrah Atasoy, Zümre Gizem Yılmaz, Kerim Can Yazgünoğlu, Ulaş Özgün and Seçil Erkoç for their support.

I owe my deepest gratitude to my parents, İsmail Özmen and Fazilet Özmen for all that they have done for me. Their continuous belief, support and patience have truly provided the best source of motivation, phd thesis on shakespeare. I am especially thankful to dearest Fırat Akdoğan for offering professional advice and emotional support generously with his patience for the last five years.

journey, phd thesis on shakespeare, for all the love she gave us. vii ABSTRACT ÖZMEN, Özlem. Dissertation, phd thesis on shakespeare, Ankara, Thus, it is asserted that re-writing has a significant function in terms of creating alternative ideas to the ways in which critical issues are discussed in the canonical texts and their political and ideological foundations, phd thesis on shakespeare.

Additionally, the development of Shakespearean re-writing, its reception, and its functions are discussed. Böylelikle, edebiyatta yeniden yazımın önemli kaynak eserlerde ele alınan phd thesis on shakespeare işleniş biçimine, politik ve ideolojik altyapılarına karşı alternatif fikirler üretmek bakımından önemli bir işlevi olduğu savunulmaktadır.

Giriş kısmında yeniden yazımın adaptasyon kuramı ve postmodern metinlerarasılık ile ilişkisi üzerinde durulmaktadır. ii YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI……………………iii ETİK BEYAN……………………….

v ABSTRACT………………………. vii ÖZET…………………………………. ix TABLE OF CONTENTS……………. This statement refers to the repetitive nature of literature and to the fact that literature is an interactive concept as texts are continuously influenced by each other.

The process of dealing with the same or similar issues introduced initially phd thesis on shakespeare earlier texts is called re-writing. The urge to re-write a work of art, that is to say, to reconstruct an phd thesis on shakespeare existing literary product, and deal with an old issue anew is a widespread phenomenon among writers.

In other words, re- writing refers to the literary practice in which new works of art are constructed by making use of the already existing subjects presented by older texts. This imitative aspect of literary production functions as a process which comprises reconsideration and remoulding of the issues introduced by existing works into new literary forms through transformation and appropriation. To begin with, while M. The terms introduced by Julie Sanders and Ruby Cohn suggest a close relationship between the two texts as it is possible to find the relevance and presence of the first text in the second one.

While using these terms along with re-writing itself, it is important to note that this varied abundance of vocabulary used to refer to the practice of re-writing indicates different intentions of the writers, and reflects their perception of the interpretation of source texts in many different forms. Although all these terms might be considered the same, it is important to look for the points where they all meet and slightly differ from each other.

Lane Linda Hutcheon describes adaptation as the general term referring to all kinds of literary and textual reinterpretation between and among genres as follows: First, seen as a formal entity or product, an adaptation is an announced and extensive transposition of a particular work or works. Thomas Cartelli also draws attention to the difference between these two terms by providing the working definitions of each as follows: What differentiates the act of appropriation from.

adaptation is that the one is a primarily critical, and the other a primarily emulative act. both phd thesis on shakespeare, and works in, the interests of the writer or group doing the appropriating, but usually works against the avowed or assigned interest of the writer whose work is appropriated. Transformation, as another term, is also charged with the idea of subversion while altering a previous text.

In this sense, appropriation and transformation are the names usually given to more diverse adaptations. While adaptations may have parallel relationship with the preceding texts, or the changes applied in adaptations are seen as less transformative, appropriations and transformations are believed to assert a different perspective by altering narrative elements of the source texts such as characterisation and familiar plots in more radical ways.

Re-writing is an intertextual practice as it uses phd thesis on shakespeare texts in the construction of new literary works through imitation and subversion. in Genette 2. Therefore, intertextuality refers to imitative relationship between two literary texts.

The parallelism between the two terms is evident from the definitions of phd thesis on shakespeare two concepts as both illustrate the imitative and subversive aspect of literary construction. However, Gerard Genette offers an alternative view to the issue as he does not consider re-writing and intertextuality as the same. He differentiates between the types of intertextuality such as metatextuality and hypertextuality. According to this definition, intertextuality is the more general term that refers to mimetic practices between at least two texts whereas hypertextuality is a more specific kind of intertextuality that relates to the kind of literary production through transformation, imitation or re-writing.

Although the practice of re-writing has been observed in most of the literary periods in the form of an imitation process, it has a prominent position in works of postmodern literature.

The reason for the increase of re-writings during postmodern period is due to the fact that this literary period provided freedom to the writers who wanted to experiment with innovative kinds of writing including transformative practices through the use of various devices as intertextuality, parody and deconstruction, phd thesis on shakespeare.

In postmodern literature, metanarratives that were previously regarded of high value are talked over from new phd thesis on shakespeare, and their status as the best forms of literary art is questioned. The assumption that classical texts were original works of art providing universal themes valid for all periods has been scrutinised in postmodern literature, phd thesis on shakespeare. Consequently, re-writing is among the postmodern literary devices that question and subvert the claims of originality and authenticity of earlier texts, phd thesis on shakespeare.

This aspect of re-writing has made it proper for use in the deconstruction of metanarratives. The text is free — to be arbitrarily manipulated and strategically mobilized by any cause and in any direction.

Accordingly, considering that re-writing uses a former text to serve different literary or ideological purposes, there is correlation between the practices of re-writing and deconstruction. Re-writing through deconstructing previous texts means the originality and the meaning of a former text are always under question and that they are not stable.

Another term commonly used in postmodern re-writings is parody which helps transforming the source phd thesis on shakespeare in not so familiar ways. The use of parody suggests that new texts inevitably reverberate the source texts while at the same time subvert their centrality. As postmodern practices, re-writing, intertextuality and parody do not simply copy older texts, rather they allow reconsidering the established ideas in former works and create alternative literary material with their derivative and subversive aspects.

Considering the fact that works of classical Greek drama took their sources from their native mythological stories and reshaped these stories in different forms, and most Roman dramatic works also followed the Greek examples, the use of re-writing as a literary practice actually dates back to quite earlier times.

These examples illustrate that literary imitation has been a popular practice as writers needed to use previous examples in order to invent new stories and contexts throughout literary history. There are several reasons for re-writing depending on the intention of the re-writer, varying from emphasising the significance of a source text and its author to challenging the narrative elements of these texts.

Consequently, it is believed that re-writing became popular as it made literary reproduction a creative and an enjoyable practice. The perception of the practice of phd thesis on shakespeare throughout literary history is quite a relative one.

PhD Shakespeare Studies

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phd thesis on shakespeare

Phd Thesis On Shakespeare We carefully read and correct essays so that you will receive Phd Thesis On Shakespeare a paper that is ready for submission or publication. We guarantee that you will be provided with an essay that is totally free of any mistakes/10() Our online essay Phd Thesis On Shakespeareservice is the most reliable writing service on the web. We can handle a wide range of assignments, as we have worked for more than a decade and gained a great experience in the sphere of essay writing. “Quality Work”/10() The aim of this thesis is to first introduce how the state control affected dramatic activities during the Reformation period and then present a critical reading of Shakespeare's I and

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