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We do need a sex education essay

We do need a sex education essay

we do need a sex education essay

Jun 27,  · As highly controversial and problematic matters, Sex and sex affairs should be taught and in fact intensified in school so as to prepare the teens as future adults and more so parents. The current social settings make teenagers to interpret education as a hindrance, old fashioned and ineffective. We will write a custom Essay on Sex Education specifically for you Feb 15,  · Sex Education in Schools. Sex education has extensively become a vital subject to be debated not just in homes but in schools also. Generally, sex education is education revolving around sexuality, preventions of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), contraceptive methods such as drugs and condoms, significance of protection, and attitudes as well as principles around sex (Spielhagen, ) Comprehensive Sex Education In Schools Essay. Believe it or not, in , the U.S. Public Health Service strongly advocated sexuality education in the schools, labeling it an "urgent need” (Pardini). Now, if one looks at a high school’s curriculum chances are he or she will find no evidence of a comprehensive sex education class

Sex Education Essay - Words | Essay Example

Home — Essay Samples — Education — Sex Education — The Importance Of Sex Education In Schools. When a young person goes through puberty, many questions and curiosities arise surrounding their changing bodies and emotions. Micheneran early researcher interested in school based sex education, noted that whenever students were given the option to voice their preferences for the social studies curriculum, sex education was requested for instruction.

Sex education is basically the instruction of issues which relate to human sexuality, we do need a sex education essay, that also include emotional relations and responsibilities, age consent, sexual activity and also sexual abstinence. Sex education in schools helps students gain information; skills and also motivation to enable them to make healthy decisions about sex and sexuality. It is today considered to be a relatively new concept in our entire education system that was proposed as a way of reducing various problems related to sex that is happening among the youths, we do need a sex education essay.

This includes problems such as teenage pregnancies, abortion, molestations, rape and also baby-dumping. Individuals who are misinformed about sex are usually the ones committing most of these problems.

Sex education is, therefore, a great way to teach young adults about all that there is to know about sex and also everything it accompanies. In what is considered to be the simplest form, sex education is general education about contraceptive methods, sexuality and also attitudes and principles about sex. Many people usually have a feeling that as delicate as the issue about sex is, should be informed and explained by parents.

Parents and children should have honest and open communication between them through childhood, pre-teen to young adulthood which helps them to bring the teen to mature into sexually healthy adults. However, there are a number of parents who still feel embarrassed to talk about sex, afraid of providing too much information or openly communication with their children which should not be the case.

This is why the introduction of sex education in schools can greatly contribute to providing an alternative route for children to learn the existing facts that surround sex. It is of significant importance to discuss sex education today because it promotes the idea that sex is not only natural and healthy but also a normal part of life and no one should feel ashamed about it.

In addition, it can help the youths acquire more information about sex in a scientific and objective way so that they would be more careful in preventing other issues related to sex. It should be noted that teenagers are already sexually active and they, therefore, need accurate information about sex and the risks involved as they reach puberty so that they can be able to protect themselves when necessary.

Additionally, sex education can be an encouragement to youths to remain abstinent or also consider practicing safe sex through the use of preventative measures. Discussing the issue of sex education especially in schools will enable teenagers to be early informed about issues surrounding sex such as decrease teen pregnancy, sexual orientation, and homosexuality. This essay aims at presenting the findings that support the fact that sex educations should be implemented in schools in regards to the remarkable benefits it has to teenagers, we do need a sex education essay.

The implementation of sex education in schools will be able to provide teenagers with accurate information that will enable them to make essential life choices. On the other hand, this essay will also try to highlight how different people have claimed that the implementation of sex education in schools would actually promote the risk of sex and that it is ineffective.

The problem comes when solutions are suggested. For many, premarital sex is a moral issue. Nothing ignites a righteous flame faster than proposing a sex education program in the schools. Everything in its place, it is argued, and the proper place for sex education is in the home. Released in September, the poll revealed that while 91 per cent of teenagers aged 14 to 20 thought their parents should discuss the facts of life with them, only 36 per cent actually said their parents did so.

Thus, sex education greatly encourages healthy teen sexuality. Despite the fact that majority of parents are still divided on the issue that the introduction of sex education in school is the only way to eliminate many issues, a strong majority of those that have been surveyed have supported the content that will be taught to be off of importance. The support from parents regarding the concepts being taught for the Grade 1 to 8 was strong.

In addition, the question that received the lowest level of support that is, 68 percent, was regarding whether Grade 6 students should be taught about masturbation, gender expression and also consent. Many discussions on sex education have made individuals think that it only destroys the morality of individuals because of the perception that it only teaches the student about how sexual intercourse is done. What they need to understand is that it not only prevents sexual diseases and teenage pregnancies but it is also a need, especially in situations where parents are not around and it gives the teenagers a distinction of what is right and what is wrong.

The introduction of sex education in schools does not imply that students will be encouraged to do it but it greatly implies that sexual diseases and teenage pregnancies will be eliminated.

In addition, with a sex education curriculum in place, students will be taught on the importance of abstinence. It is because the greatest emphasis will be focused on teaching that sexual intercourse should be after marriage.

In cases that involve parents being away from their we do need a sex education essay, sex education should be taught to them so that they are able to learn from an individual who is well educated and who is also a well responsible adult instead of learning about it from their friends or also the media. In order to decrease issues such as the rate of child sexual abuse, sex education should be implemented in schools so that teenagers could be informed and therefore reject offenses upon them.

In addition, they will be able to know the current situation in our modern society and the necessary actions to be taken. Besides students being taught on abstinence, they could also be taught on the significance of contraception.

For instance, they could be informed on how the use of condoms alone could save lives and improve health by not only preventing HIV and AIDS but also other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, through sex education, we do need a sex education essay, students will be educated on abstinence and contraceptives would be of significant benefits to young adults. However, we do need a sex education essay, there are many individuals who think that the introduction of sex education curriculum in schools has been based on ideology.

Some individuals also inclined to feel that this sex education act as an interference from schools into an arena of personal life. Peer pressure plays a vital role in swaying young people into wrong judgements. Others believe that sex education classes ignore the individual differences among children and break down the natural modesty of boys and girls and that as sensitive as sexuality is, children who are at the same grade level are usually given same materials even if others are not yet ready either physically or psychologically for these materials.

They consider this as being insensitive and harmful. In conclusion, it is natural for parents to be concerned about the ethical influences that may conflict with what they teach their kids. Society should acknowledge this critical effort from the school system as a constructive method to ensure both children we do need a sex education essay teenagers should be entitled to information that is correct and one which is from the right sources about sexual relationships and other related issues so that they can be able to make decisions that are right regarding their future.

They need to be made aware of the we do need a sex education essay if at all there are misconceptions about sex that in turn becomes dangerous. Teenagers need all the necessary information especially in this current and also a risky society and the implementation of sex we do need a sex education essay in school will be able to prepare them properly.

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Sex Education In Schools, Essay Sample

we do need a sex education essay

Jun 16,  · The first essay is a long essay on Sex Education In School of words. This long essay about Sex Education In School is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Sex Education In School of words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins The Importance of Sex Education Essays. Words3 Pages. Sex education should be increased in schools. Nearly one million women under the age of 20 get pregnant each year. That means women get pregnant each day. If students are educated about the effects sex has on their lives, it lessens their chance of having children at an early age Feb 12,  · There are numerous reasons why sex education is relevant from an early age. First, it helps children understand their bodies and not be surprised when their bodies start changing during puberty. Second, children will not be ashamed of discussing sex-related topics and not make rude jokes in their groups (Walsh).Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins

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